What Is A Turnover In Basketball? (Full Description)

Many basketball coaches love their stats, as they usually give them a good idea of how their team has played.
Some coaches focus on their shooting percentages. Others in the ongoing war.
But regardless of which column a coach may look at first, it is guaranteed that they will eventually look at the turnover rate of their team.
Because while most stats can be skewed at least a little depending on the opponent, turnovers are a clear indicator of how a team has played.
This article will look at what changes in basketball, why teams try to limit each game, and what you can work on your players to avoid them as much as possible.
What Is A Turnover In Basketball?
A turnover is when the offense loses possession of the basketball before attempting a shot.
How Do Turnovers Happen?
There are two different ways a player can make a profit:
1. Violation of the law
A foul occurs whenever an offensive player commits a foul and the referee stops play to award the ball to the other team.
Common violations include: the one who walks, dribble twiceto carry, without limitation, 3 second violation5 second violation, 10 second violation, backcourt violation, shot clock, illegal screen, or charging.
2. Player errors
Another way turnovers happen is when players make a mistake and the ball is passed to the other team.
These mistakes often occur when playing soccer or passing basketball.
Players may misjudge and steal the ball, throw a bad pass that is picked off by the other team, or make another fumble or drop that results in the defense receiving the ball.

What is a Refund Penalty?
The penalty for profit is losing possession of the basketball and the other team taking over on offense.
How the defense takes possession of the ball depends on what type of turnover it is.
1. Dead ball replacement
A dead ball turnover occurs after a foul.
This means that the defender must take the ball out of the sidelines or the first line near where the offense occurred and throw it in to begin possession.
2. Live football replacement
A live ball change occurs after a foul by a fielder or passer.
In these transitions, the defense gets the basketball quickly and switches to the offense immediately and tries to score.

Teaching Players to Avoid Turns
One thing all basketball coaches can agree on is that they hate it when their teams turn the ball over.
So here are a few things you can work on with your team to help them avoid making costly turnovers:
1. Focus on playing
No matter how many years you have been training, you will never spend too much time on training.
Focus on weak hand development so defenders can't just sit on the player's hand.
Being able to drive either way will automatically reduce dribbling turnovers significantly.
Also, make sure you practice running against the defender and don't just do static drills.
Yes, it is important for players to master basic swimming skills early on by working alone without moving, but in order for those skills to translate into the game, they must be practiced against a real defender so that their weaknesses are exposed.
1-on-1 drills are a great way to work on a player's ball handling skills.
2. Live exercise
Just like playing, it's important for your players to hone their passing skills against live defenses as much as possible.
Yes, you can start by passing a partner to introduce different types of passes.
But once they do, make sure you use passing drills that involve real defenders.
Not only will your players begin to learn what works and what doesn't when passing, but they will naturally learn the importance of the fake pass, which is difficult to drop without defending.
3. Overloaded tests
A good way to work on taking care of the ball is to make your offense try to score against a defense that has more players than the offense.
This forces the offense to work on movement to get open, making quick and accurate passes to teammates, and using their dribble to escape any problem or improve passing angles.
An extra defender means there will always be defensive pressure on the ball and there must be no uncontested passes for the offense to finish.
Creating a practice situation that is more difficult than any game situation your players will face should help them gain more confidence during the game and stay organized when the team plays defense against heavy pressure.

The conclusion
There is really nothing worse for an attacking team than turnovers.
Whether it's due to a foul or player error, your team not getting a chance to hit for a turnover is a recipe for disaster.
While you can't eliminate them completely, there are things you can do to help your team make a few changes.
Developing your team into a team with as much skill as possible through play and passing will help their ability to take care of the ball and keep those turnover numbers down.
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