
Anna Beck is joining AMB as a new Editor!

After almost 11 years, Mike Blewitt is stepping down as Editor of Australian Mountain Bike, with a familiar face stepping into the role of Editor and a new face as AMB's Digital Manager.

After taking on the role of Editor in mid-2013, Mike oversaw the growth of the website, social media channels and video content. Mike started with AMB as Next Media took over the title in 2013, having contributed to the magazine for a year.

“I've had an amazing time working at Australian Mountain Bike for over ten years. I have been able to share my passion for riding, touring and events with mountain bikers across the country. I'm excited to work with longtime content creators to expand the features of the journalism service on the topic, and build on content marketing.”

“I am honored to have worked with so many dedicated riders, writers, photographers, videographers, trail builders and event organizers across the country and beyond. There have been more happy days on the bikes working on stories than stressful days in the past, and I have a lifetime of friendships and memories from 11 years with AMB. Thank you to everyone who picked up a magazine, subscribed, scrolled through our feed or clicked on an article – I'm so grateful to everyone who came along for the ride.”

As AMB moves to the outdoor sports media house Adventure Entertainment from August 2023, it is also the right time for the title to have new leadership, with a different editorial role to cover the changing media space of mountain bikes.

Anna Beck has been contributing to AMB for over a decade, and has deep knowledge in all aspects of mountain bike training and racing, and almost every aspect of off-road life on two wheels.

“Throughout my life I have faced challenges, so I am looking forward to stepping into the role of AMB editor when I finish my maternity leave. It won't be easy; Mike has left big shoes to fill with his knowledge and ability to produce a large amount of quality content over the past 10+ years. “

“AMB has long been an essential resource for mountain bikers both newly minted and seasoned, and I look forward to delivering content that showcases the fascinating voices and incredible escapes in addition to the reviews and informative pieces that make AMB what we know it to be. and love.”

Supporting Anna in managing the digital content will be Max Hobson, another Queensland cyclist who studied and followed AMB growing up. Max will be AMB's Digital Manager, overseeing the website and social media channels.

'I have been a keen mountain biker for about 10 years, starting with a passion for adventure and now racing many disciplines of cycling at the highest level of the sport. I've been collecting Australian Mountain Bike Magazine since I was in primary school, so moving into the role of social media manager is really exciting.'

Adventure Entertainment CEO and Publisher Toby Ryston-Pratt has been instrumental in ensuring that the new editorial team is a better fit for AMB and how the mountain bike topic fits with the scope of Adventure Entertainment's outdoor media studio.

“Mike has made a fantastic contribution to AMB and we wish him all the best in his next role, while we look forward to the occasional guest contribution! With Anna and Max at the helm we are excited about the next chapter of AMB and how it fits into all of our outdoor sports titles that we love here at Adventure Entertainment.”

Anna and Max look set to usher in a bright new future for AMB, be sure to come along for the ride!

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