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NHL Rumors: What Don Waddell's Resignation Means for the Carolina Hurricanes' Organization Going Forward

Sportsnet: Elliotte Friedman to Jeff Marek when asked about Don Waddell's resignation from the Carolina Hurricanes and what it means for the organization moving forward.

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Marek: “Anyway, Don Woodall left his position with the Carolina Hurricanes. The most recent one, Elliot Friedman. 32 Thits and Hockey Night in Canada join me now. Elliotte like us, since we last talked at night around 1:30 in the morning, this is one of the things we talked about and now the story is slow.

As Don Waddell resigned from the Carolina Hurricanes. On an interim basis, Eric Tulsky is taking over as general manager of the Carolina Hurricanes. Where does all this lead?”

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Friedman: “It leads, I think, to new management for the Carolina Hurricanes and a new role for a new role elsewhere for Don Waddell.

It's interesting. I've been reminded by a few people and we talked on today's pod that the possibility of Don Waddell leaving Carolina has come up before. “

Marek: “Yes.”

Friedman: “It was extended in 2019. He may have been a free agent the summer Minnesota fired Paul Fenton and replaced him with Bill Guerin. He discussed with Hlanga about that project. Again, but it always seemed like he was going to stay, it was just a certain process. That they were passing, but everyone believed that it would work. “

Marek: “Of course.”

Friedman: “It became clear in the last few days, Jeff, that this was different. That, that divorce was imminent and would happen.

Waddell interviewed him in Columbus. And I'm just reading this morning about the release, but I think they said he met him officially, or he talked to Tom Dundon this morning and he said, 'It's time.'

So, you know as you say, Eric Tulsky is the interim GM. They said a full search would be carried out. I had heard that a few days ago that there would be a full search and Tulsky would not be given the job.

But you know, there will be interest there. I mean, Tulsky has a big say, in every decision. Dundon really trusted him. I really don't understand why Dundon can't just encourage him and support him by his side. But I'm sure at some point, I mean, maybe he, maybe he goes through the search, and he ends up finding you. That wouldn't be the first time it's happened before.

But that, you know, they have good employees like they're smart people. Guys, they have Darren Yorke, Aaron Schwartz. They have, they have a lot of very smart people that many of us may not know, but that doesn't mean they aren't bright.

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But they will have to strengthen their front office. Waddell had a lot of experience and a lot of institutional knowledge, and they're going to go out and look for that.”

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