Golf News

17 years and 75 majors, he's on the verge of a life-changing breakthrough

Amy Yang leads by two shots heading into Sunday's KPMG Women's PGA Championship.

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SAMMAMISH, Wash. — Amy Yang considered the question for a moment.

Is it fair to say that the reason you're still playing on tour after all this time is to win a major tournament?

“Yes,” he said.

Yang didn't expect to be here last year, when a freak rock climbing accident left him with an injured elbow and an uncertain future. He didn't expect to be here based on this year's game, either; has yet to record a top 20 finish on the LPGA Tour this season. But then she played her part in a 36-hole lead at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship – and on Saturday, as her competition faltered around her, she took the lead herself. He now leads by two going into the final round at Sahalee Country Club. And you are truly living the dream.

“I mean, I grew up watching a lot of great players in the past, and I saw them win every major tournament,” Yang said. “I dreamed of playing here because of them. I am working hard on this. It's not saying much — but we still have 18 more holes and that's a lot of golf left in a major tournament.

“So I'll just try to focus on each shot and be patient.”

be patient. That's what Yang did well for three days; he planned his way around the Sahalee's tough passages and difficult conditions more effectively than anyone else in the field. He cited dedication as key.

“The most important thing is how committed I was to each line,” he said. “Every time and whenever I decided to hit it, I tried not to do anything about what was going to happen because it's tough and it's hard to play.

be patient and it's something that Yang had to use throughout his career. The South Korean is only 34 years old but has played on the LPGA Tour since 2008. He collected 21 top 10 points in the majors. This is his 75th start. But he hasn't crossed the line yet.

Yang's latest calls came with two T4 finishes at last year's majors. He has finished second twice and has two top ten finishes. That means he knows he can do it – but he knows how hard it will be, too, even with two leads.

Asked what it was like to play in the final group of the day, Yang admitted that it was difficult to stay in the moment.

“I try not to think about it, but it comes to my mind and I get nervous, I'm really nervous because the final round is near,” she said. The future?

“Maybe it's the same, but I'm going to do the same things and see what happens.”

Yang suffered a back injury during Friday's spectacular four-under 68. He received treatment before Saturday at the age of 71 and was still experiencing “slight pain and tightness.” It didn't stop him from paring the first seven holes. And after a bogey on No. 8 stuck within eight feet of No. 9. Yang added a birdie on the 5th 11th and, after another bogey on No. 16, he added the highlight of the day: a 37-foot birdie bomb on the attractive par-3 17th.

He will have a mix of rivals in his rear view. Miyu Yamashita, a regular winner on Japan's LPGA, sits one place ahead of Yang in the Rolex Rankings at No. 22 and two shots behind him on the leaderboard.

“I don't think about winning a lot. I focus on it like every shot,” he said.

Lauren Hartlage tied up with Yamashita; he is No. 278 in the world and he is happy to be this close.

“I've never been in this position before and this is something I've dreamed about since I was a kid, so it's great to be in this position and just see how it goes and learn every day, every cycle,” he said.

Sarah Schmelzel sits in the back; He started Saturday as the joint leader but struggled with a cold putter and made four bogeys against just two birdies.

And the star-studded team sits in the bottom three, with the title of World No. 2 Lilia Vu, former No. World No. 1 Jin Young Ko and Lexi Thompson, who announced his plans to retire but found something special in his game.

“I will play within myself. That's all I can do. Yes, it could be my last; it's possible,” said Thompson. “Who knows. It's just day by day. I'm going to go out there, hug the fans, love to go and see where it goes.”

Conditions are expected to change on Sunday; Cool temperatures and high winds promise to make Sahalee a perfect final round test – and a well-deserved crown.

Dylan Dethier

Dylan Dethier Editor

Dylan Dethier is a senior writer for GOLF Magazine/ The young man originally from Williamstown, Mass. joined GOLF in 2017 after two years struggling on the small tour. Dethier is a graduate of Williams College, where he majored in English, and is the author of 18 in Americadescribing the year he spent at age 18 living in his car and golfing in every state.

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