Golf News

How to get out of trouble and land a low, powerful punch shot

If you're wondering how to hit a punch shot to stay out of trouble, use these simple tips from GOLF Top 100 Teacher Brady Riggs.

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If you're a mid-handicper like me, you've likely encountered many situations where you need to use a punch shot to get out of trouble and back onto the fairway.

For example, say you're hitting your tee shot and you're under a few trees and your ball is sitting in the rough. Sure, we'd all like to have the ability to mold a gun and be aggressive, but, unfortunately, taking our medicine and getting out the fist is a smart decision.

Learning to throw a punch shot that not only returns to safety but also covers a long distance isn't always easy. Since there are ways to make this type of shot, GOLF Top 100 instructor Brady Riggs explains what you need to do to be successful.

How to get out of trouble and land a low, powerful punch shot

“OK, so your shot landed under a tree branch and you need to get the ball back into play while you're getting it up the fairway,” Riggs said. “These situations may have led to higher rates in the past, but there are changes that need to be made to save your scorecard.”

Riggs gets into a smart play here, explaining how to land an effective punch shot.

“To hit the punch shot, put most of your weight on your front foot with your hands slightly forward of the center, making sure you're leaning on the shaft at the target,” he adds.

Next, Riggs suggests visualizing the gun flying low and hard before coming back — which should be shorter than normal. When coming down on impact, it is important to shift the weight further towards the target, avoiding any hang back.

“The shaft has to stay on target to move the club so it can cut through the tough grass,” says Riggs. “Be sure to rotate your body through the shot, which will ensure that the ball's movement stays low.”

Finally, Riggs says finish with the club resting under your chest, making sure your torso ends over your left foot.

“Think about putting your chest over your front foot on the follow through, cutting your swing when your hands reach chest height,” he says. For a successful punch shot, the clubhead should land at or below your hands' length, with the toe pointing to the right of the target.

Of course, no player has ever wanted to find themselves in a position where they have to hit a shot to avoid an exploding hole. But by using Riggs' fix above, you'll be able to avoid more problems, get back to safety and still find yourself rolling the fairway.

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