Sports News

Based in Australia, Ryota 'Sugar' Sato wants everyone to know how great this game is

How old were you when you started boxing?

At first, I played baseball, but I wanted to try each sport, so when I saw my younger brother reading the comic book “The First Step,” I went to a nearby boxing gym.

Who is your favorite striker of all time, and why?

I love Japanese legends Joichiro Tatsuyoshi and Takanori Hatayama. I don't think there is any other fighter as passionate as them.

What's the best fight you've ever seen, live or on TV?

My favorite fight is the match between Akira Yaegashi and Roman Gonzalez. When I saw that, I was very moved and realized the greatness of boxing.

Strongest opponent and why?

They were all very difficult for me. Takuya Ota, who defeated me the first time, had a very powerful punch!

What are your strengths and weaknesses as a boxer?

My strong point is my mental strength, but on the other hand, I'm in a hurry, so I have to develop that and be patient.

What is the best boxing training advice?

I think the most important thing is to concentrate and follow your feelings.

What is your favorite food?

I love Japanese barbecue yakiniku.

Who is your best friend in boxing?

The boxing friends I met in Australia are really nice people, I am always grateful for their help.

What other athlete would you like to be?

I used to play baseball, so I am a baseball player.

What would you change in professional boxing?

I think boxing is not seen enough. I want everyone to know that boxing is a great sport.

Which actor would play you in the movie of your life?

I don't know, but he must be good, of course!

Have you ever wondered? If so, who was the star?

Not really, but I believe I will be a star from now on.

When was the last time you cried and why?

I don't remember, but it was a long time ago.

What is the best advice you ever received?

Believe in yourself and work hard all the time.

What's the worst rumor you've ever heard about yourself?

There are no bad rumors, only good rumors! Lol

Please tell me something that most people don't know about you.

I have a Japanese license for acupuncture and moxibustion.

Fast Facts:

Age: 28

Twitter/X: @Ryotabokuboku

Nickname: Sugar

Length: 172 cm

Nationality: Japan

From: Saga, Japan

Standing: Orthodoxy

Record: 7-4, 2 KO

Separation: Super-feather to lightweight

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