
Clean Sports Foods Tested | staying hydrated while cycling

There's a world of research out there on sports nutrition, and if you're even just interested in getting more out of your time on the bike. I would expect that you have spent some time considering what you drink and eat before, during or after your ride. While there are many fine details to go into to maximize efficiency, the general idea is that we ride and perform at our best when we are properly hydrated and fueled. In addition, we recover much better to ride again with proper hydration and fueling.

Water and regular packed food works well for most rides, until things get heavy, hot, or long over time. At this point it can be difficult to replace the lost minerals with water alone, and eating a sandwich can be difficult if you are breathing through the eyes trying to enter the connecting stage before your first time, or trying to close the gap to the runner in front of you. For runners, or those looking to get more out of their time on the road, sports nutrition makes sense.

I tested a number of products from Pure Nutrition in 2023, and enjoyed the range offered from their gels to their recovery drinks and electrolyte mixes. At the beginning of the summer I was sent samples of their new Performance Race Fuel. It's a flavorless electrolyte mix that packs a total of 90g of carbohydrates per serving. Compared to many market leaders, this is more than twice the amount of carbohydrates, and more than what a bottle of Gatorade or similar will deliver. But the thing is, it's not just sugar.

Performance Race Fuel comes in single serving packets (97.5g) or larger bags, and each serving packs 90.2g of carbohydrate (9g of sugar), 650mg sodium, 150mg potassium, 20mg magnesium and 30mg calcium. Speaking to Zoe Wilson, our in-house nutritionist, she made it clear that carbohydrates are very important to keep you fueled when training or events, β€œIt's really important to fuel properly, especially when you're riding hard or racing. A high-carb sports drink can make a great addition to your race nutrition arsenal, as long as you practice using it in training first!”

On the road

Performance Race Fuel mixes easily, but not like a straight electrolyte mix. It pays to follow the directions and mix it with a little water to dissolve it, then fill the bottle. Since it has no taste, you probably won't get tired of it, but it has a little texture. I expected to notice this more when riding, but I didn't. What I noticed was that it increased my desire to drink, no doubt the electrolyte mixture. And that's not a bad thing.

The race has a very high calorie requirement, but it turns out I didn't run during the test – I don't really bother in the heat and humidity of a Queensland summer. But I ride, and ride long. For those, a bottle of Performance Race Fuel paired with a regular electrolyte bottle goes a long way to cover hydration and nutritional needs. I even found that I could knock as I hiked for 3.5 hours with two bottles and one muesli bar. And I usually eat more than that!

That carbohydrate has to come from somewhere, and Pure Nutrition uses Cluster Dextrin, which is said to reduce perceived fatigue. I can't comment on that, but I do know that I have had zero problems with the upset stomach that I can get with high carb mixes that are high in sugar.

The decision

This is a product with minimal use. I think for those who do long days on the bike at some point or another, it's worth picking up a few single serving packs to try. Some prefer to keep water and fuel separately, but I find that for long distances or very intense events I can't do that, as it can be difficult to meet nutritional needs if the amount you drink doesn't pack a lot. boxing. Like other products from Pure Nutrition that I have used, Performance Race Fuel is well thought out and does what it says. I will continue to use this for heavy events and training.


Easy to drink and digest
A large carbohydrate is beaten with a small amount of sugar
Neutral taste

You miss:
Neutral taste
You still need another drink mix

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