WATCH: A surprisingly simple drill to stop the average golfer's backswing

It's probably the number one mistake the average golfer makes.
At least it is among the first to be done on the backswing.
And it is, therefore, very destructive.
What is it? Swinging at the ball.
A shooter does it, regular golf does it, even handicap golfers do it.
Good golfers, however, do not.
It's too easy for all of us to do, unfortunately.
It's also surprisingly easy to pull off.
In this short video, Keith Bennett, a PGA golf instructor from Arizona, makes it easy to see where we're going wrong – and hopefully puts us on the road to improvement.
When you're in range, grab your basket (remove the balls first) and use your body to keep it pushed against the wall.
Now turn back.
If you move, the basket falls off the wall.
That's right.
Practice swinging back and keeping the basket stuck between your lead hip and the wall to improve the basics in your game.
WATCH: A great Callaway dumbell drill that will have you hitting your driver more and more
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