Charles Barkley Roasts TNT On NBA Future

That is widely known Warner Brothers Discovery/TNT may lose NBA rights and Charles Barkley has exploded TNT Over it.
This Sun expert was not shy to express his displeasure at all times.
Last week, Barkley went public Warner Brothers Discovery CEO / President David Zaslav, who said a few months ago that TNT he didn't need the NBA.
He confirmed that he was not reprimanded by anyone from WBD for his comments.
“Number one, they're not going to call me,” Barkley said SI Media and Jimmy Traina. “They know better.
“Secondly, he should never have said that. Simple and easy. I think this is our third interview and we have been signing during the special window. It never came up to bid. Obviously [commissioner] Adam [Silver] you are sad. I think you are upset. Something is happening, to be honest with you, because if we have the right to match, it can be easy–'yes, we will match' or 'we won't match.' That's what bothered us the most.”
I Inside the NBA the analyst went on to explain how frustrated he was with the lack of information about the negotiations between the WBD and the NBA.
“They did a terrible job of informing us,” Barkley said. “Just say, 'Hey, guys, we're in the middle of talks. It's 50-50.' Just say something. We didn't discuss it. And I don't mean about me. The people who work there. They are the ones with pins and needles. It just says something so people can breathe a little. I can't imagine having a family and debts. In fact, you should probably start looking for another job. You can't wait a year and get fired.”
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