Basketball News

76ers top Jimmy Butler's suitors list

Dragic spent six seasons with the Miami Heat, playing there from 2015 until 2021. During his time there, the Slovenian star became good friends with many Heat players, one of whom was Jimmy Butler. “I know Jimmy well, I played with him for four years, we reached the final and all that. I played well with him. Nice guy, all or nothing player. He spends a lot of time in Europe, he travels non-stop, he likes tennis, he likes football, he likes basketball. I always say he was a Serb or someone from the Balkans in his past life. He has some connection with our people. It's obvious that he loves us, and we love him, so all the best for Jimmy,” said Dragic in an interview with Sportal's Bojan Vinulovic. -via BasketNews / May 30, 2024

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