Sports News

Mike Tyson – Jake Paul Moved to November 15

Written by: Sean Crose

It looks like the show is still going on. After July's fight between former heavyweight Mike Tyson and Jake Paul was postponed due to a plane incident involving Tyson's festering wound, a new date has been set. “New day, same place, same fate,” Paul wrote on social media Friday morning. The two men are now scheduled to meet on November 15th at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. To the surprise of many, the highly anticipated event will not be appearing on Pay Per View. Instead, the card will be streamed live on Netflix.

While there is no question that it will be the talk of the town and will be loved by many people, there are concerns that this fight will end up being considered a bridge too far for the sport of boxing. Tyson, after all, will be 58 years old when he steps into the ring next fall in Texas. In addition, it will be almost 20 years since this man last fought professionally. In addition, Tyson was far from his former self in his last professional fight (a loss to Kevin McBride in 2005). One can only imagine the type of Tyson that could emerge in November through no fault of his own, but simply because of the passage of time.

Tyson, however, is one of those figures that people only see in the memory of their memories (Michael Jordan also lives in that spirit) Tyson was scary, dominant and extremely talented in the late 1980s… and people undoubtedly continue to see him that way. today. The same can happen to young people, who were introduced to Tyson's classic image, portraying the Brooklynite as an unstoppable force. Tyson was certainly seen as an unstoppable force growing up. He was so beautiful. But Reagan was still in the White House.

While none of this means Tyson will lose to Paul, it does raise an interesting question: How much is too much? While Tyson may put Paul out (power is the last thing going in a fighter) those old legs will start to feel a lot older if little Paul lasts more than two or three rounds. So what? The victory of the decision? Losing a decision? A knockout loss? Anything can happen at that point, which is not what most viewers will be expecting. They want the old Tyson. Maybe they'll get him for real, or a closer version of that little hero. Boxing is an unusual sport after all.

It is also very dangerous. That's why it's good to look at this with some perspective.

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