Basketball News

Mike Conley is out against Denver with a sore Achilles

What is the status of your contract? Mike Conley: I signed a two-year extension. So after this year, I have next year and next year is a partial guarantee. Regardless of the contract situation, you're at that age where guys have an idea of ​​how long they're going to do it. What is the current opinion on that case? Mike Conley: Before I signed the extension, it was like, 'Man, it could be this year, it could be next year, it could be any year.' But then as I was playing this year, I was like, 'Man, I haven't slowed down yet, and I just can't imagine going there until I'm there.' So I'm just going to burn these tires and not put a date on them and see what happens. -via The Athletic / May 10, 2024

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