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Day One Takes • D1Baseball

Riley Eikhoff of Coastal Carolina (Aaron Fitt)

At the ballpark

The first game of the Sun Belt Tourney remained scoreless until the seventh when the junior outfielder Jojo Jackson came back with a big fly single to give the Panthers a 1-0 lead. Until then, a beginner of Chants Riley Eikhoff he had allowed just three hits and struck out eight. He mixed an 88-89 slurve, an upper-70s slurve and a best-pitch, low-80s-split-change for a consistent swing/miss. Senior lefty Bryce Shaffer relieved Eikhoff and pitched 2.2 points to earn the win. Shaffer's high-spin (mid-2900 rpm) breaking ball makes a difference as he mixes[…]

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